Mind Food | Being Present


One of the many things I love about cooking is that it forces you to be completely in the moment. My mind is constantly active and finding a task or activity that holds me in the present is a great thing.

 In the kitchen, a chef needs to be extremely present as service runs on micro time. Every second counts as it can be the difference between a perfectly caramelised piece of salmon (leading to customer satisfaction) or a burnt and overcooked piece of fish (customer dissatisfaction).

 Have you ever had a chat with a team member, friend or loved one when you knew they were distracted? It’s frustrating – right? You need to repeat yourself, second guess what they heard and monitor them to execute the task.

 As a leader, staying present and in the moment is a vital skill in communication.

 This ensures details are not missed and instructions are clear, which can be a real challenge when dealing with such a fluid and demanding work environment.

 Being able to remain engaged during stressful situations is great leadership. There are many studies around the long term benefits of mindfulness and being in the ‘now’.

 Fortunately, it’s a skill anyone can learn.

Quote James Earl Jones.png

Whether it be meditation, exercise, snowboarding, walking, swimming or the simple act of cooking - finding the activity that allows you to be 100% present is a game changer.

 What are you doing to stay present?

Stay Hungry

- Glenn

Mindset, CoachingGlenn Flood