Mind Food | Fatigue & Burnout


Houston – we have a problem…

Over the last month I have been noticing through the meetings and conversations I am having that for many of us motivation is low and fatigue is high. Uncertainty, restrictions, screen fatigue.

 It’s challenging.

 This led me to reflect on the times during my career where I have lacked energy, felt un-inspired, been mentally fatigued and stood on the edge of a major burnout.

During one training role, where I was working obscene hours and under resourced to perform my role properly (during a particularly bad ‘burnout’ phase) I was fortunate to connect with a Professional Coach through Leadership Victoria.

Having someone to guide and support me during this challenging time was game changing.

 We don’t know what we don’t know. And the simplest way to learn is to enlist a coach.

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If you want to learn tennis - get a coach. Learn to sing? Get a coach.

Basketball? Coach. To improve your performance in anything - get a coach.

 So why do we procrastinate when it comes to our careers? After all, we spend an average of 90,000 hours invested in our career - that is a heck of a long time to be underperforming.

 The benefits of coaching are far reaching and well documented. The Institute of Coaching states that 80% of recipients report increased self-confidence, improved work performance and more effective communication skills. Here is a short clip from TED highlighting the benefits of coaching.


Fast forward 15 years and I now have the skills and opportunity to support others on their professional journey as a coach.

 How do you replenish yourself when approaching burnout?

 Phone a friend? Read a book? Take a walk?

 If you are flat, fatigued or feeling like you have more to give, here are three questions to deeply reflect on:

 1.     Who can I speak with to provide another perspective on my skills?

2.     What do I really want for the next phase of my career?

3.     What is holding me back from achieving what I want?


Was it a struggle to answer any of these questions? If so, it might be time to find someone to guide you.

Wishing you nothing but green lights….

Stay Hungry

- Glenn